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Natalia Sandoval

PhD student Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

My research aims to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying stress responses in wildlife and to use this information for conservation. I use an integrative approach combining laboratory and field experiments to predict how organisms, populations, and ecosystems respond to environmental change and anthropogenic stressors. My research will help to expand the use of physiology at different levels of biological organization  to address conservation issues.

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About me...

...and my never ending quest for knowledge


I obtained my bachelor degree in Biology at the University of Costa Rica where I got invaluable field and research experience immerse in the exuberance of tropical ecosystems. I went on to do a Masters in zoology with emphasis in physiology. For my thesis I conducted physiological and behavioral experiments to study  the effects of neurotoxic pesticides in native fish. Currently I'm pursuing my PhD at the Welch Lab of the University of Toronto applying an integrative approach to assess the effects of pesticides in tropical bats, from cells to behavior. Learn more about my work by checking out my current projects and past publications . See my CV here.

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My Research

It's not about the system it's about how to approach the question

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Pesticide risk assesment in neotropical bats

Pesticide exposure has been suggested as one of the causes of bats' population decline worldwide. However, it is still unknown to what extent bat populations are threatened in vulnerable systems like tropical forests. I use passive acoustic detectors to estimate the use of plantations as forage areas by bats. In addition, I'm estimating the potential pesticide intake by analyzing pesticides residues in their preys.


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Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada

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